The best PlayStation 3 Deal, ever!

Why on earth would you set the “Buy It Now” of one this years hottest items to 99¢? This goofy bastard did just that:

The best part is, someone did buy it for 99¢ 🙂 And then there’s this fella. I have no idea what the relevance of the images are in relation to the PS3, but the fish images are disturbing.

4 thoughts on “The best PlayStation 3 Deal, ever!

  1. Notice how the buyer has 0 feedback. Wanna know why? It’s Himself ! ! He did do something like previously mentioned: Making the Shipping 1,000 dollars then just for show he bought it himself with a different account. What do idiots do these days with free time!? This !?


  2. Notice how the buyer has 0 feedback. Wanna know why? It’s Himself ! ! He did do something like previously mentioned: Making the Shipping 1,000 dollars then just for show he bought it himself with a different account. What do idiots do these days with free time!? This !?


  3. I’ve seen people set the buy it now low and then set the cost of shipping to a very high price like $2000.00 which is an ebay no no, but still done from time to time.


  4. I’ve seen people set the buy it now low and then set the cost of shipping to a very high price like $2000.00 which is an ebay no no, but still done from time to time.


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